Unless you live in an extremely walkable area with a good amount of public transportation options — and most of us don’t — you probably need a car to go through your daily routine. It’s really no wonder that 2017 saw more than 79 million cars sold worldwide.

With that being said, even if you need a car, that doesn’t mean you’ll automatically know how to buy one. For a lot of people, buying their first car is an incredibly intimidating experience. This is why many find themselves taking what may seem like the easiest or most affordable option: privately buying a car on sites like Craiglist. You may assume that going to a dealership will result in you spending more on a car — and at first, that may seem to be the case. However, there is a lot more time and money that goes into buying a car privately, as well as risk, making it ultimately an inferior option to a used car dealership.

For your first car, you may want to consider all of your options. But there are so many reasons why used car dealerships come out on top. With that being said, we’re looking into some of the main reasons why you should visit a used car dealership when looking to purchase a car for the first time.

In-House Financing
Let’s address cost upfront. When buying a car privately, you will be expected in virtually every situation to pay the entire cost at the time of sale. You could end up putting down a few thousand dollars, though we’ll discuss below why this may be a bit deceiving. Or, if you want something a bit more expensive, you’ll still have to come up with the entire amount right then. This can represent a financial burden for many people.

Reputable Cars
The option of financing your new car is not the only benefit of working with a dealership. Another reason why people often favor dealerships over buying privately is that, when working with a dealership, you know what you’re getting. It’s much riskier when you buy a car from a private seller. They could potentially lie to you about the car’s condition — and it would be potentially difficult to pursue legal action if this is the case. When buying from a dealership, you know that the vehicle you’re getting has been recently inspected and often has undergone recent repairs or inspections as well. Dealerships also often offer warranties, which can add a lot of comfort and reassurance to the experience of buying a car.

More Options
When combing through what is offered by private sellers, it’s unlikely that you’ll find the perfect car. You’ll probably have to make some compromises — really, this is always part of buying a car. However, when you buy from a dealership you’ll have much more to choose from. Used cars and used trucks in a variety of different makes and models are offered at dealerships. You’ll be much more likely to find exactly what you need when you’re working in that kind of setting — and who doesn’t like having more options?

Yes, buying your first car can be a little scary. However, once you find exactly what you need, you’ll be happy that you went to a dealership, rather than risking it with a private seller